What If We Are All Living Inside A Human Brain?
I have been looking at rendered images of the universe as we know it. There are a few images that represent the universe that remind me of the neural pathways in our brain. I think back to when I was studying the human nervous system, focusing on the brains’ neural network.
What Got Me Thinking
I was out star gazing tonight with my binoculars, and I was focusing on the Acrux (the Southern Cross) region and the Milky Way surrounding it. There is a mass of stars in this region, just clusters of stars and I’m sure galaxies even though my binoculars aren’t that strong so see them. To the right of the Acrux is a constellation called Vela Carina. The star Canopus resides at the bottom of this constellation. Above Canopus I spotted the star Avior, and following this up and slightly to the left I saw Cadwell 92, and that’s when I was loosing the focus in my binoculars, but I could just make out this cloud like shape that I thought was a nebula. It was out of focus to me and looked like a glob of dust clouds. I had to look at my app ‘Stellarium’ on my phone to see what I was looking at.
I started to think about these images that I have looked at on the web and how the universe looks like the synapses in the neural connections in the brain. That’s when I had the thought, ‘What if we are all living inside someone’s brain?’ What if all of our daily lives are just random thoughts in someone’s head? Of course this can’t be true, …or is it? Everything that we know to exist may be just a passing thought in someone’s head! We may be living in a blink of a thought, but to us it seems like a lifetime.
I know this is all outrageous, but it could possibly be real as well. Think of that book by Dr. Seuss called ‘Horton Hears A Who.’ I know it’s farfetched, and yet it could be real? There are molecules smaller than the Atom. There are Quarks, Gluons, Muons, and a number of subatomic particles that we can’t see with the human eye, and yet the math shows that these particles exist. To me, math is the universal language and it’s speaking to us and only a few physicists are listening to it.
I know, I’m crazy!! But it’s a good crazy, an imaginative crazy! I’m looking out my bedroom window right now and I see Sirius low in the western sky in Canis Major. That’s 8.6 light years away from me. I’m looking at Sirius as it was in the past. This thought blows my mind away, man. When I look at the bigger picture and the images of our universe it’s mind numbing. Then, to think this thought that we may all be just a thought in someone’s brain, someone’s neural network, is unfathomable.
Once again, this is just my imagination running amuck, which to me is normal, MY normal. What if when we die, in this guys brain, we are just part of a synapse that dies off and is eaten by macrophages and we won’t ever know the difference because we only know what we know in all of our short lives. The people who came before us are his synapses from long ago and there will be new synapses that this guy will grow (as in new people being born right this moment) and live out their lives as we have ours?
Do our lives really mean anything at all? I think of all the humans that have lived before our time and they are just a memory. They were once alive as I am today and they lived pretty much as I do in the present. I’m sure that they had the same emotions that I have though I’m living in a ‘modern’ age with all of this technology at my fingertips.
Then my thoughts turn to this thought of living in some guys head and everything around me is just an illusion. I’m just a synapse lighting up for an instant in his head, but to me it’s a lifetime. I know this seems impossible and couldn’t be true. Then I think about the laws of physics and how they are the same everywhere, though String Theory postulates that this may not be so in the multiverse.
The similarities between the brain and the universe could possibly be a reflection of each other. All of the particles in the universe can be found in the human body. Well, maybe not all the particles, but a few of them are in the universe and us. Half of the atoms in our bodies are found everywhere in the universe. So in saying this, We are the universe itself, just expressed as a human being.
Think about how small we are in relation to the whole universe. That’s quite a daunting thought. In the big picture we are just specks of dust, living on a speck of dust flying through the universe of dust. Yet we fill our lives with drama’s on a daily basis, drama’s that in the bigger picture don’t mean a thing at all. Just like all of those who have lived before us, our drama’s are ego’s that are empty of any substance. To me there has to be more to life, and if we are living inside of someone’s brain only for a brief moment, I want to break free.
Whether we are living inside someone’s head, or existing in the middle of a smidgen part of the universe, we only know what he know. I, want to know more, and will keep digging through my resources to gain as much knowledge as I can. If there is even a minute possibility that we are living inside someone’s head, I want to make contact with this person if there even is a chance. Maybe I can be a voice inside his head just as Horton was residing in his flower living a full life — “A person’s a person, no matter how small!”
Goodnight all.