We Are The Real Slaves
We really should look into changing, possibly shifting, the days of the week around. I think it would add some spice to life.
We seriously have to do something about Sunday and Monday. Sunday is the day where the weekend slowly ends, and I find that sad. We’ve all worked the whole week and look forward to the weekend, only to have it end. Late Sunday evening as the sun is setting is like doom. I try to make it last, but with each passing minute the sun dips further into the horizon until it is completely gone and night settles in. How exasperating. It’s such a beautiful time of the late afternoon too. It’s cruel and unjust.
Then there is Monday. Yuck! The weekly ritual begins, we bite the bullet and go to work. Not only that, but we have to be there on time. It’s as if the management is standing over us and telling us off, “Hey! We just gave you two days off! You should be well rested and sharp as a tack!” Uuuugh. The drudgery begins and the next thing you know, you are back in the swing again and the weekend is forgotten, and you have the up coming weekend to look forward to.
This will continue until you either retire, or die.
We have to change it up. We should make Sunday and Monday happy days, so we will have replace Friday and Saturday with them. That way, we will look forward to Fridays and Saturdays as the week begins. Yeah, I’ll admit it has a little of mental psycho twist to it, a little like reverse psychology. I can tell you are not buying it. Would it help if I told you that all the other days would remain the same? No? Oh well, still, it’s something to think about.
We could make Wednesday and Thursday the week end? If you really think about it, those two days are exceptionally boring. Yeah, nah? Hmmm, this is a conundrum. I think it has to be shaken up or we as humans may become redundant. Well, redundant in a way that we become so worn out, tired and lethargic that we will die. Kinda like we already do! Now-a-days we can hardly save enough money to have a decent retirement. We have to make a change now!
Okay, we will keep the days of the week as they are. No changes to the days of the week since everyone is so set in their ways. So then, how about a shorter work week and a longer weekend? I personally think this is a grand idea. I have thought it all out too! People will only work four days a week and have, say, Thursday Friday and Saturday off. Others will have Friday, Saturday and Sunday off. Also, you can have off Saturday, Sunday and Monday, for those of you that don’t like to start work on Mondays.
I thought that you could even work every other day of the week, say Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. You can arrange that with your management but the fact of the matter remains that you will have three days off, no matter what.
I think this is ingenious! I’ve just given myself a pat on the back.
The point of all this is that we have to stop the monotony of this outdated workweek. Think about this, of all the work you do in a workweek, why do you need five days to accomplish this?! Oh, I see, because your boss requires this of you and if you don’t do as they say you will either have a drop in pay (even though they will continue to make copious amounts of cash), or you will be given the boot. The ol’ ’86 routine. Ah, yes. That might be because another schmuck can be hired and for a lesser paycheck than you. So why do I hear about employees being loyal to a company that doesn’t reply in kind?
So, there might be an issue with management. Hmmm. I hadn’t thought that all the way through. It’s always someone in management on the chain of command feeling pressure, all the while someone on the board is enjoying their yacht in the Mediterranean. No matter which way you look at this, we are all slaves to the almighty dollar, which is just a piece of paper that we put value on. If you think about it, that’s weird.
3 Months Later
I started writing this article several months ago. I was just reviewing it today and thinking about editing it, when my upper management “ME” said to get it to print ASAP! ‘But it’s not finished!’ I stammered back. ‘Put it to print now or you will be out of a job mister!!’ it retorted. Funny how my own mind works. The thing is, I don’t get paid to write this stuff. I do this for pure enjoyment.
That is the crux of it all. Why do we work in jobs that we don’t like? Why don’t we all do what we like to do, the things that bring fulfillment. It’s because we need to make money to live, eat and clothe ourselves. And now the price of goods are skyrocketing. We are slaves. No wonder society is so messed up in this era.
I started this article trying to add a twist to the working week in a funny way and ended up feeling the weight of the injustices of the world upon my shoulders. I still think we need to alter the working week to allow for more recovery time. If you look back over the years you have been working, all the pressures and deadlines of those days have come to pass, haven’t they? It’s all forgotten. In the end, was it worth it? Did it accomplish anything to further the human race as a whole? It’s laughable really.
I don’t know how to end this, because it is a subject that needs more attention and rewrites. Just like life itself. Yeah, just like life itself. Have a lovely day anyway people. I see you.