Was It All A Dream?

Arthur Mitchell
5 min readApr 14, 2024


Photo by Arthur Mitchell

I once dreamt that I was swimming in crystal clear water. It was somewhat like a canal with white walls and bottom. It was about ten meters wide and fifteen meters in depth. It was straight in parts and curvy in other areas. I remember the clarity of the water, so crystal clear. Along the wall I swam by big windows and would look through them and see people in rooms that were dark, like a dimly lit bar and restaurant. The people inside took no notice of me looking through the window at them.

I often wonder what was happening in my real life that may have caused me to dream this? I’ve have only seen such crystal clear water once in New Zealand. I don’t recall where this is, only that there was a glass wall that I could look through and see the water from below. It was beautiful. I also don’t recall if my dream happened before or after visiting this site. I need to find out where this place is so that I can go back and see it.

I’ve had other dreams, or maybe they weren’t dreams, but it felt so real to me. When I was young, I must have been seven or eight years old, I was able to fly. I flew in my front yard up to the top of the trees. I felt this feeling of support around my body, and it was a secure feeling, almost as if I was being held up by some kind of force. It was easy to lift off the ground, just by pushing off and stepping into the air. Landing was easy as pie, I would just fly down to the ground and step down, like stepping off the last step of a stairs.

There was a boy and girl I was with one time and I showed the boy how to lift up off of the ground. We would fly around the trees and sometimes just hang in the air. His sister would yell at us to come down or she would tell our parents. We ignored her and kept on flying for most of the morning. It was a sunny warm morning with light breezes here and there. It was magical and I really think that I did fly. There have been a few times to this day that I have felt that force around me, but I could not lift off the ground.

Getting back to swimming in the crystal clear water, I used to go to the local pool at Highland Park to swim in the hot summers. There were two pools, one was the old pool which was always freezing cold, and there was a new pool that had several lanes for swim meets and a deep end where there were diving boards. The deep end had a depth of sixteen feet and there was a sloped end in the pool from the lane swimming area into the deep diving area that was roped off, as a divider.

Wearing my swim goggles and would swim along the black lanes painted on the bottom of the pool looking for coins, like quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies. It was a fun thing to do as a kid. I could stay underneath the water for a long time. Whether it was real or a dream, I found out that I could breathe under water. I was able to extract the oxygen molecules to breathe. I once circumnavigated the complete boundary of the pool by breathing under the water. It was effortless to do so.

These may have been dreams, then again I feel as if I was really able to fly and really breathe under water. I think my body remembers how to do all of this, but my mind won’t let it happen.

The closest I can get to these feelings is when I ride my bike or have gone ice skating. It has something to do with the motion these activities create and I feel it mostly when I take a tight turn on my bike or when I turn and cut into the ice on my skates. There is that feeling of a force supporting my body. Maybe the force is with me! Hardy har har.

Have you ever dreamed of falling? I have many times and I found it terrifying. I always wake up before I hit the ground, and upon waking I feel relieved and bewildered at the same time. I wonder what causes this surreal feeling? I could swear I was falling to my death. I’m not a friend of heights, that’s for sure. I once visited Canyon De Chelly in Arizona and the closer I walked to the edge my knees would go weak and I had to sit on the ground. Just looking at those cliffs that dropped straight down hundreds of feet scared the hell out of me. I had to crawl back to the car for fear of falling. I don’t know about past lives, but man, shear drops freak me out and I wonder if I fell of a cliff in a past life. Who knows??!

I wish to this day that I could find out if I actually did all of this. There has to be a way to find out. I sometimes think about all the planets, suns and moons that seem to be floating in space. They really aren’t floating, rather they are constantly flying through space a great speeds, all tied together by gravity — which is the weakest force! With regards to molecules, even though they can bind together, they can also be pulled apart, so there is an element to separating H2O and using only the oxygen particles to breathe, or maybe I have misunderstood my chemistry.

In this universe there is still a lot to discover and, since we are creatures made up of and from the universe, the possibilities are endless. If we can dream of these things, which I feel I did do when I was young, then all is not lost. My curiosity will keep on looking for answers and someday I hope that I will have a better understanding of my experiences.



Arthur Mitchell
Arthur Mitchell

Written by Arthur Mitchell

Art is just a regular dude. Likes humor, plays the drums and enjoys listening to his favorite pods. He doesn’t mind mowing the lawn, he is an observer of people

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