UFO’s In The Night Sky Tonight
I saw a UFO tonight! It couldn’t have been anything else. I was down at the bay star gazing and from my left I saw an object zooming across the sky. At first I thought it was a shooting star, but it didn’t have a tail and it wasn’t dropping through the atmosphere.
It was moving too fluid and fast across the sky. It was a cigar shaped object all lit up in a bright white and silver color. It only lasted for about four seconds and covered a long distance. There is no way this could have been a plane or a jet. I would have heard the jets if it were.
It was a big object and solid. There were clouds off to the left and right, but the object was in the sky between the clouds and was moving at a high speed. Then it just disappeared, not going up or down in the sky. It just vanished. I wonder if anyone else had seen it and will have to search the local web tomorrow to see if it was reported.
Now, I love star gazing and the Southern Cross was shining brilliantly tonight in the southern sky. Where I star gaze, I am quite sheltered from light pollution and have clear views of the stars and planets. It’s best to view the night sky at the bay, Moreton Bay on the east coast of Brisbane. It’s my favorite place to star gaze.
I haven’t seen a UFO in decades. I wasn’t expecting to see one tonight either. When it appeared to my left I thought it was a shooting star, as I see plenty of them at the bay. But this was a solid object. There weren’t any blinking lights, just a white silvery lit, cigar shaped object. Other people had to see it too. It was moving so fluidly and fast in a straight line. No plane, not even a jet could cover the distance it covered as fast as it did.
I’m still in awe of seeing it! I begged for it to return in my mind so I could see it again. I wish I could have recorded it with my phone, but I leave my phone in the car. Anyway, I would have moved too slow to get my phone out and start recording it even if I had my phone with me.
I know there are a lot of you out there who would tell me that I saw something different, like a high powered light shining in the sky. Once again, this was a solid, cigar shaped object, and brightly lit. I’m going to stick with me calling it a UFO. I’ve never witnessed an object moving at the speed it was moving. At the same time, it wasn’t blurred at all.
It was well lit, as if the body of the object was a light itself. A long cigar shaped light. It didn’t do any odd maneuvers, just straight as an arrow. Then it just vanished in the clear sky. Just gone. I was slightly stunned after it vanished. I questioned myself to make sure I wasn’t just imagining what I just saw. But no, this was a UFO. It was Unidentified, it was Flying at a great speed, and it was an Object of which I’ve never seen before. It was huge!
Okay skeptics out there, give me your input and try convincing me of what I saw. I’m sure there are many reasons that all of you could write about to sway my story. I’m going to stick to my seeing a real UFO unless someone can convince me otherwise.
Okay, now I’ve documented all of this an hour after having seen it. It’s still clear in my mind. I am still in awe of it. I consider myself fortunate that I saw it. How I would love to see one up real close, and this one was pretty close tonight. No sound at all. I’m looking out my window now and it has become overcast. I hope I can see it again on another night that I visit my bay, at my star gazing spot. Wow, this has been an exceptional night before my birthday tomorrow.
If there are aliens flying around in the night sky, stop and visit me sometime. Just don’t spook me out! I’m a peaceful and curious dude!