Today’s The Day!! Yippeeee!!!

Arthur Mitchell
6 min readMar 23, 2023


I’m getting my chair today. I, am, excited. I’ve been waiting for almost two months to get it as it had to be built and clothed. Well not clothed but had the fabric I have chosen to be sewn on it. It’s the same fabric that I saw displayed on it when I was in the store. I liked it instantly.

When I sat on it in the store I could not believe how supportive it felt. Usually chairs are made that we slump into, or lounge on. This chair fits me ergonomically. I sit more upright in it with its back support. I won’t have to hold a book up when reading, rather I will be able to have it on my lap and not strain my neck. It’s a perfect position for me.

I had been looking for a chair for a looong time. I’m talking years. Nothing seemed to fit. Until now. I mean, it’s not like all chairs come in sizes?? Right?? Somehow I feel like the nosy little tramp in the story about the three bears, because this chair is “just right.” So I guess I’m now a little tramp. Woo hoo!! No, I don’t plan to eat, nor drink, while seated in it. I’m thinking of naming it ‘Precious’.

What do I plan to do in my chair? For starters, read. The first book I have chosen is Carl Sagan’s ‘Pale Blue Dot.’ But if that doesn’t arrive today I will defer to Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s ‘Starry Messenger’ which I do have at the ready. I have a thing going on with astrophysics, she’s my mistress. I also plan to write on my laptop while sitting in my chair. I told my daughter that I will do a lot of pondering in it too. I like to ponder.

Where will it go? In front of a window in my bedroom, and gosh b’golly I hope it can fit through the door! I forgot to measure it!! I usually think things through, I’m a stickler for being thorough in matters such as this, so here’s to hoping. What are my other options? Sheesh, I don’t know. Maybe I will put it in the front office in the corner, but then the dog might sit in it and wee or poop on it. Maybe I should get a clear vinyl protector on it? My grandfather had a 1968 Plymouth Valiant with vinyl coverings on all the seats. It was painful to sit on in extreme weather conditions, such as during the height of summer or the frigid winters. My ass would either get burnt or frozen depending upon the weather.

The first thing I will do in it is meditate. I want it to be a calming chair. It will be perfect for that. I’m not into crossing my legs like a guru while sitting on the floor. In fact I can’t cross my legs while sitting on the floor like a guru, unless guru’s extend their legs out straight, then I’m fine with that. But come to think of it, I have never seen a guru lounging on the floor. The ergonomics of the chair will help me to transcend.

I actually bought a new dresser to make room for the corner window area where I will place the chair. I’m thinking about making the old dresser the TV stand as it is short and long. I don’t know what I will fill the drawers with, maybe blankets and old musty magazines.

Okay, I just received a call that the chair will be delivered within the hour. Woo hoo!! I will take a photo of it to post in the article and then continue writing a review while sitting in it.


I am now sitting in my chair. I cried. You won’t believe my happiness.

Time for me to meditate and then I will be right back to this article. Thank you for understanding.

Well, that was a long and deep meditation. I fell asleep afterwards and this chair is not a recliner. It’s a purposeful chair for reading, writing (typing on my laptop), meditating and, pondering. Suffice to say, I transferred my body onto my bed for a little slumber time. Then I started to feel hungry and thought, ‘I think it’s high time for a cheese steak sub and a Dr Pepper’, so I got in my car and did just that. Upon returning home, I am in my wonderful glorious chair that smells oh so brand new. *sigh*

I think everyone should have a chair that they can retire to after a long day. It feels nice to treat myself to my chair. It has a hassock too! I haven’t felt this good about myself since the summer of 1982. It’s as if I’m in the flow again and now I’m sitting in my chair. Now if I could only get a newer car and live longer, that would be the icing on the cake. But life is life and I am grateful for what I have.

I shall rule my kingdom with kindness from upon my throne. I will treat the commoners with grace and lighten their taxes so they too can enjoy the splendor of life and buy their own chairs. Why, if you don’t rule with a gentle hand, it may come back to slap you if you aren’t careful. At night I will turn my chair around to face the window and look out toward the stars while I listen to the music that I love dearly. I also look forward to turning the chair to face the window when there is a thunderstorm with lightening and heavy rains. Oh, I’m so excited!

How would I describe the room I have my chair in?? Well, it’s my bedroom which I keep very ‘Zen like.’ Except with the odd pieces of clothing on the bed because I am lazy about putting them in the basket to be taken downstairs to the washing machine. …That’s another thing about my chair; It’s not a machine. It’s not motorized. It isn’t leather and fancy schmantzy. The fabric feels like linen. It’s a beautiful subtle pattern, which suits me.

I’ve just noticed that everything that I have bought in my life resembles me; Simple, yet calculated. My chair is Me. It’s at once conservative (though I’m not talking conservative as in politics), comfortable and supportive. At least that’s the way I like to think about myself while sitting in my chair.

I will have to protect the fabric as my window faces west and the sun is quite hot here in Brisbane. Fortunately I have a shade that I can draw down in the window frame to protect my chair. It’s either that or throw a blanket over the backside that faces the window. It’s not a huge bedroom and I can arrange the bed around to the north and west walls. Maybe I will play around with the arrangements some weekend. You see, that’s what I like about life too, I can change it up whenever I feel like it. Though I like routine, it’s nice to kick it around to see what else it can do.

I am happy that I bought it. I paid it over several installations while is was being built. I feel that I have earned it. I need nothing else in life, except love, and I need not make any other expensive purchases. I don’t buy on a whim or purchase anything in a moment. If I like something, that I think is expensive, I will step back from it and think it through. I might not return to it for weeks or months at a time. It’s a way that I control my urges.

Okay, it’s time for me to enjoy my chair. Also I need to go downstairs and drink a glass of milk in celebration of my chair. I wish you could enjoy it with me. Cheers everyone and by all means, get yourself a chair!

My chair called ‘Precious’



Arthur Mitchell
Arthur Mitchell

Written by Arthur Mitchell

Art is just a regular dude. Likes humor, plays the drums and enjoys listening to his favorite pods. He doesn’t mind mowing the lawn, he is an observer of people

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