To Fly Amongst The Stars
That’s where I will be after this life. At least I hope so. As far as I know, nothing exist after death. I’m quite adamant about that. I cannot believe that there is a heaven as people from differing religions think. To me that is all a fairy tale.
People can believe anything that they want to and I don’t mean to criticize them. They speak from their heart and so do I. My heaven is the night sky. I can actually see it and know that it is there. Our telescopes flying around in the sky’s above have shown us some spectacular sights in the deeps of the cosmos. We should be so fortunate.
I don’t know if, what I think of as my “Consciousness” really exists. To me that is likened to having a faith in a god. Neither can be proven. Our consciousness could all be made up in our imaginations. Even though we may feel a deep connection to it, there hasn’t been any evidence of it. It’s all hearsay as far as I know, but I can relate to it as a deeply religious person feels connected to their god.
Let’s play the devil’s advocate. Let’s say that Consciousness is a real tangible thing. We all have it and act out our lives because of it. It’s part of our morality? In its way, we make all of our decisions based on its presence in our daily lives. Some of you may say that it is really your god that guides us in our behavior and decisions. I ask ‘why does it have to be a god?’ Why can’t it be our own rational thinking. We should take pride in the things we accomplish because, well hell! we did it!
Why do we put our faith in something, or someone, that we can never see. Some will call it ‘faith’ or ‘blind faith.’ Some people always thank their god for what happens to them. I find this absurd, when they should be thanking themselves for all good things that they have done. It’s almost as if they are ashamed for accepting their own accomplishments. If something goes wrong in their lives they beg for mercy from their god and may even think of it as a punishment from their god, which they duly accept. I think that is shameful to think of yourself as ‘less than’ because of a made up figurehead.
Don’t fret, I’m going to pull this all together. Read on…
I think about the afterlife more frequently than I did when I was younger. As I’ve written before, I want to know. Would it change my life? I don’t know and I don’t think so. I think that it would add comfort for me and I would still live my life out as I do now. It might even make my life easier knowing that my consciousness would carry on after my body dies. Knowing that some part of me will still exist.
There are many things I love about my life, like music, cycling, writing, and beautiful vistas and, sights like the night sky, and the weather. After all of the experiences I have gained in my life, it would be a real shame if it were to just all end and I don’t exist any more. What would be the point of all of my living??? Maybe there is no point to life.
I’ve been trying to think of some profound thoughts concerning life and our existence, but I cannot break through that barrier. I know that I am closer to my death and I feel that I have only a limited time left to find …my truth. To wonder if my consciousness is real, and will it continue after my death. I really want to know, because…
After my life ends, I would like, what I call ‘My Consciousness’ to take me on a trip through the cosmos, the Universe. To see planets, moons, galaxies, and nebula’s up close would be my dearest dream come true. It would be a never ending dream.
My night sky is dear to my heart, to my being. That should be ‘Being’ with an upper case B. My true Self, with an upper case S. I know this will sound obscure to most of you, but those are the only descriptive words I can muster up right now. I love the night sky and I have a perfect place to experience it. I frequent it a lot, as it helps my mind to wander and think impossible thoughts. The night sky is my best friend and never questions me, and though it doesn’t provide me with earth moving answers, it settles my soul.
So, when I die, …I wish that my consciousness may travel throughout the stars and into the cosmos. Through Saturn’s rings, Orion’s belt and the Horsehead Nebula, and beyond. To look back to Earth from millions of miles away, from many light years away and know that I once lived a life on that gorgeous planet.
“All of the worlds ill’s among its inhabitants can change in an instant if they really wanted it to change for the better.” …Me, June 2024
Well I guess I will have to wish upon a falling star, but then, … stars don’t fall.