The Magical Moments & Awareness
1:51am. I am awake. The full moon is shining through my bedroom window. The night is clear, fresh. I hear the humming sounds of automobiles on the road from across the Brisbane River. That would be about two miles away from me, due northwest. It’s a magical time for me. Tonight reminds me of summer nights in Toledo with the distant sounds of the freight trains churning through the city, clickety-clack clickety-clack…
I’ve had these moments before in my life. Once was after I came home from a two hour drive to the quad cities in Iowa where I used to play ice hockey. The two hour drive there and the two hour drive back was worth it. It was a clear night, much like this evening, except there was snow on the ground. The trees cast their shadows upon the snow covered ground as the moon was full in the sky.
There’s a unique quietness, a stillness at the moment. I wonder if other people are awake nearby and can’t sleep, like me. I did try to sleep, but it wasn’t going to happen. I feel sleepy now but awake as well. It’s as if I am surfing the cusp of wakefulness and sleep.
All the houses that I can see out of my window have no lights coming from within them. The people are asleep. Or, are they? I just took some photos with my Galaxy Note 9 phone. My phone is old and doesn’t get anymore upgrades and the photo qualities aren’t the greatest. The photos don’t reflect the proper light from the moon. Bummer.
I can make out bright stars in the sky through the light pollution from the city. Quite a difference from the night I saw the starry sky in the middle of nowhere in Hamner Springs, New Zealand. That was one of the life changing moments I had, with the blanket of stars in the cosmos right over my head. The sky was thick with stars, the thickest part was the Milkyway. That was beyond magical. Yet still, tonight (or this morning) I am happy to be awake to enjoy this vibe.
It’s at times like these that I am grateful to be alive, and to be aware that I am alive to enjoy it. I have always thought that being aware is of utter importance. I can only witness life through my own senses. I think intuition is a sense that underlies all the other senses. Either that or the full moon is having an effect on me. I am betwixt and between regarding the effects of the moon.
On one hand I know that the moon is only full because it is reflecting the light from the sun. It has no sway over my mood or being. Then on the other hand it rules over my birth sign since I am a Cancerian and am moody to begin with. You see, thinking this way, knowing full well that people influenced me when I was young, has totally messed me up. I want to be practical, logical and cognitive, yet I want to see pixies in the garden. I mean, I’m saying this free from any drug usage, unless you include pharmaceuticals influencing me.
I could also be feeling the effects of sleepiness overtaking my body while my mind fights against it wanting to stay awake on this magical night. But my body needs sleep and the sun will rise in a few hours. These moments can’t last forever. Everything is always being propelled forward. The earth rotates continuously. Humans are birthed, live and die in this cycle. Here we are but specs in the cosmos, yet our lives are important more or less on any given day.
Woo boy! I am really fighting sleep now. I actually fell asleep earlier sitting up in my bed with my laptop on top of my lap, and woke at the time I started this article. …okay, I’m just forcing myself to stay awake and that can’t be good. The voice inside my head is telling me to put the laptop down slowly and to keep my hands visible at all times. Well then, goodnight for now. I can’t wait to read what I wrote in the morning. This oughta be fun.
Two Nights Later
My how things change from day to day, from moment to moment. Tonight is overcast and laden with humid air. I’ve caught glimpses of the moon dodging behind the clouds. The night is darker now and the moon shadows have faded. It is not as magical as the other night, yet it still has its own mood. It’s as if the humid air has dampened the distant sounds of the cars driving on the street across the river. Everything is slightly muted.
You see, this is what I like about life. I love being aware of all the changes around me. I love being aware. If there is one thing I miss about the states, it is how the seasons change. I miss that. I miss the thawing in early spring and the smell of the earth warming up, to the blustery storms of April and May. I miss the laziness of summer as it strolls in and stays a while with its heat and humidity. I miss the early autumn with its hazy days while the nights become cooler as the leafs change color. I miss the beginning of winter with its cold air and ominous grey sky bringing the first falling of snow. I miss it all and not much else.
I can hear a soft rain falling on our metallic roof. My mind can wander listening to that gentle sound. Rain at night is one of the most beautiful of sounds and smells. Thank you for inviting me into your mind with this article. It kind of began going somewhere but ended up nowhere but here. But that is nice. It’s good to just let go and meander. In fact, I think it is necessary to meander from time to time in one’s life. I compare it to a walk in a dense forest. Refreshing, rejuvenating.
Wishing you a wonderful night. Cheers.