Something Is Wrong In The US of A

Arthur Mitchell
5 min readNov 6, 2024


Sunrise, 7 November 2024, Brisbane Australia

I woke up this morning at 1am. I didn’t want to check my phone, but I did. The first thing I saw was that Trump had won the presidency. I was gutted.

This is so wrong on so many levels. The numbers just didn’t add up. How could this have happened??

I thought something was being planned by them as they seemed too confident leading up to the election. Maybe this was ‘their little secret’ that Trump and the speaker of the house (a christian who claimed he was the second coming of Moses) said that they had. It was as if they had something in the bag already. I would never trust a republican after his first term. Trump just meandering utter nonsense at his rally’s and watching people filing out was a sure sign that he was loosing it all together, except the election I guess.

I don’t want to suggest that the republicans worked the system this time, but something just doesn’t add up.

All of the usual suspects had gone quiet. During the past several months, not a word was heard from their “three stooges” of the republican party: MTG, Bobo, and Getz. They were totally off of the radar. I wonder if they were given an order to shut the hell up and lay low, or else!

Trumps crowds could not match Kamala’s, and her crowds were so vibrant and enthusiastic! Trump blathered nonsense, lies, and vile at his rally’s.

Kamala spoke so eloquently and straight. I felt that there was hope and all of the garbage of Trump and his crowds would soon be dust in the wind. I was so looking for Trump and his minions crawling back under their rock of evil. America would look to the future with Kamala and everything would be put to right.

Something is not right with these results. I have no proof but it weighs heavy on my mind. But really, record numbers to out vote and yet 20 million of these votes are missing in action? Compare them to when Biden won? This is not right. Just a while ago I read that some state was tossing votes away for some reason? I think that was Utah? What the hell?? I heard Trump say, “We don’t need (the) votes, We got more votes than anybody’s ever had.” Does that mean that the election was rigged in his favor all along?? Make it make sense.

I’m thinking of claiming asylum status here in Australia because I feel that I have lost my country to some sort of cabal, the christian nationalist cabal. The rich elites of corporations, the oligarchs, those cabals. If anything, My distaste of religious groups has made my Atheism stronger than ever before. All of their talk about their god and all of their prayers is repugnant. How can people believe such crap. Regarding the corporations and oligarchs, how much money do they need?? How many politicians can and will be bought so they can trash the world more? AAAGH! I’ve gone off track and need to get back to a train of thought.

What the hell!! Why did Marick Garland not do his job?? Has he been bribed or threatened, or is he actually one of them and held out long enough to the end of this election? There are too many open questions regarding him. Trump should have been convicted and put in prison for his crimes. This I will never understand. Why didn’t the Biden administration put pressure on him to finish his job. And why is the post master general still heading the post office?! Holy f*cking Jesus!!

I think that there are two parties in the government just to keep the people against each other long enough to keep things running as per usual. So many distractions and I expected more than this.

American politics is one big game and the lesser of the two is winning. With project 2025 looming I can only forecast a disaster waiting to happen. Trump is bringing in his loyalist like Bannon, Kennedy, and Musk to run departments that they have no experience in. The christian nationalist will burn the Constitution and incorporate their bible into the law for Americans. This is insane. Maybe America needs this kick in the ass to really wake up.

It is a wait and see game now. The worst of it is how women will be treated and how their rights will diminish right before our eyes. This is tragic. If you don’t believe any of this, well, boy are you in for a big surprise. It has already begun in numerous republican states. I suggest that you read up on it. Yeah, go ahead and ‘google’ it. Key word to look up is ‘abortion rights.’ FFS!

I am gutted. Something is amiss. This ain’t Denmark but I can smell the stank all the way here in Australia. I wish Kamala didn’t secede and gave it a couple of days for the votes to all be recognized. Trump never seceded when he lost to Biden. Why? Because he’s a sore loser. He doesn’t accept the truth and he lies. It’s part of his genetic makeup.

So a felon will be the president now. Yeesh! I know that a major part of the world thinks the same as I do regarding this complete mess. Trump has yet to be tried before his inauguration. He can’t pardon himself. This ought to be fun to watch how it plays out. Will he abscond for a few days and let his VP act as president just to pardon Trump? Oh, how the world turns. There is more that I can write about, like the Palistinian situation and the Russia invasion of Ukraine. Those will become nightmares of genocide. Holy f*ck!

America was once great, well rather a nice place, before the Trump invasion. They were still working out the kinks for a 200+ year old country. Now I will be comparing it to Nazi Germany before real Americans came in and kicked their asses out! Screw fascism. If Trump gets through to inauguration day, you will be witnessing the first King of America take his throne. His family will become America’s first Jesters, because they really are just clowns. Those rich rotten brats that stole money from children’s charities. FFS!

I called in sick to work because, mentally I wouldn’t be able to cope with people asking me how I felt about it all. As Australians do, they like to joke around about things and I just would not be able to handle it today. I need to go to my bay and have a good deep think. I need to see the Sun rise.

…, and I did, and it was beautiful.



Arthur Mitchell
Arthur Mitchell

Written by Arthur Mitchell

Art is just a regular dude. Likes humor, plays the drums and enjoys listening to his favorite pods. He doesn’t mind mowing the lawn, he is an observer of people

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