Oh, About That Thing That We Keep Ignoring…

Arthur Mitchell
4 min readMay 30, 2022


I keep telling myself that there are more good, positive, helpful and loving people in the world, than there are bad, repugnant people. And there are. I don’t have answers, but I have ideas. If anything, I am always thinking.

I do get angry and create posts that may not represent the true me. Ask anyone, I am a peaceful person that cherishes life. But I have a side that when push come to shove, I will react with words. Some people may be more poignant than me, and I admire them for that. I learn from them. I never mean to rile anyone up, rather I only want to make them think about a situation that needs attention. Make them aware.

Of course I swear in some of my posts. I think the use of certain words can demonstrate an urgency, a concept of insistence that may need attention in an immediate manner. I also think we live in a time of great urgency in numerous areas, such as realistic pricing on housing, food and petrol. We are pricing everything way beyond boundaries for future generations. Real estate prices in homes have gone through the glass ceiling. Who, in the future, will be able to buy a house that is only worth $500,000 at best, but sells for 2.4 million in today’s market? That is criminal. Realtors know this.

Gas prices are rising faster than at any time in history. For what reason? I need this to be legitimized. This is price gouging straight up, because they can do it and there is nobody to answer to. Governments have been bought and the people have to suck it up. This ain’t right.

When somebody makes a certain amount of money that they can live on comfortably for the rest of their life, why do they need more? If I could make a million dollars in one year, I would probably work for another couple of years to really set myself up and buy a moderate house; I don’t need a mansion. I’d probably buy a decent car too. Then, after budgeting for twenty years time, I would definitely set up a fund with the rest of my fortune to help those in need. Shit, if I have the money to do that, I would! Housing for the homeless.

I like altruism. I think helping others in need should be a priority that humans can assist others in lesser conditions. Oh, I can hear the arguments rumbling in certain peoples heads. “Why should someone else live off of what I have worked for??” and “They should pull themselves up by their boot straps and work for a living!” It’s all noise what they say. Anything to distract us while they make secret dealing behind closed doors. Sounds kind of like a Republican/Conservative thing to me. They are all about deflection and can never answer a question straight up. Ever notice that?

Okay, I admit that I have gone off on one of my notorious tangents. Forgive me. I guess the point I am trying to make is, ‘when is enough, enough?’ There is plenty to go around. We can all enjoy the fruit of our workings. We have the technology to make a lot of things purposeful and sustaining. And remember, there are more of Us than Them. We have the ability to put corporations out of business, or reduce them in size. We can put people like Elon Musk out of business in a week. Firstly, stop giving him financial help through the government and then don’t buy his product. Space-X would not exist without government handouts to him. Think about that.

Demanding sustainable wages is worth achieving. We should not have to work two to three jobs to make ends meet. If you think about it, if you live paycheck to paycheck you are being held at ransom. The Republicans talk about pulling yourself up by the boot straps, yet have not done anything for Joe Public to help build their savings. In fact, they don’t care about you at all. They are in it for themselves and you have to fight for crumbs.

Someone disprove me? Make it make sense to me. Show me some logic in your thinking. Take me by the hand and guide me. Show me the magic in your magnificent mind. I will hear you out. If you tell me anything that will change my thinking, I will thank you. If you start rambling on about crap and using word play, I will think less of you. You see, I’m a Cancerian with my rising sign in Leo; In other words, I am one tough cookie that doesn’t buy bullshit. I don’t believe in horoscopes either, but I thought it would be fun to throw it in there.

After everything that is happening today, in these times, I have thought of this young generation growing up watching this all play out. They know what’s going on. They are watching it and I hear murmurings in our undertow. What I hear is that they don’t want this when their time comes to be adults. They can do without a lot of the shit that is happening in these times. Whether the old farts in politics understand this or not, change is coming and these old dinosaurs will be exterminated.

Oh, there is so much more I could write about, e.g. climate change, education and baseball, just to name a few. But it’s not a gorgeous day outside and the dog is sleeping on the floor behind my chair. I’ve got a light dose of the flu while my kids are full-on with it. There is also some laundry to do that I just don’t have the energy to do. Oh woe is me. So I leave you with one last thought:

I like the young generation of today, keeping under the radar. It’s a good feeling. I’m handing the reins over to them. They will make things right, if we don’t blow anything up between now and their time. I don’t prey as I am an atheist, so here is to hoping. Cheers!



Arthur Mitchell
Arthur Mitchell

Written by Arthur Mitchell

Art is just a regular dude. Likes humor, plays the drums and enjoys listening to his favorite pods. He doesn’t mind mowing the lawn, he is an observer of people

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