I Was Alive Once Too

Arthur Mitchell
5 min readFeb 18, 2024


Greetings. I am writing this from beyond the grave. I didn’t think that there was anything after death, but lo and behold, there is! I just have to figure out where this place is. Truth be told, it’s everywhere. It’s nothing like I was ever told when I was alive. The things humans dream up about the afterlife is absurd.

First off, there is no God, no Creator. I think this will come as a shock to many of you, and I suggest that you keep on believing what you have been indoctrinated with and to just enjoy your life. But boy are you in for a surprise!

Okay, here are my observations so far. Firstly, this place is huge! It goes on infinitely, as in there is no beginning and no end. There just Is. I’m a singular entity in this vastness. At the same time I am everywhere at once. That’s about the only way I can describe it in the simplest terms. It’s really not describable in human terms. Your mind has to be really developed to understand the faintest part of this.

By singular, I mean I am still Me as when I was in human form, and I am no longer human at all. I know this sounds weird to you and you will only know after you die what I mean. Don’t fret, just enjoy the life that you are living at the moment.

There is no ‘time’ here. Time doesn’t exist, which is pretty cool. Without time I am able to be anywhere at all times. This concept in human terms is unfathomable, but I will try to explain it for you. Everything that has happened in your life is happening at this precise moment. It’s not linear. Everything is happening right now. Everything. Wooo, I know, spooky! I understand that you don’t understand.

There is no future and there is no past. It’s a concept beyond the scope of being a human for 99% of you. There is only a handful of humans that can fully understand this while in human form. I know, I’m coo-koo. I’m only telling you this so you know that there is so much more than what you experience in your daily lives.

As an example, I now know everything that there is to know. Everything. The funny thing is, I don’t need to know everything, but there it is, always at my disposal. It’s not hard, it’s quite natural. I wish I had this source of knowledge when I was alive. I could have created peace throughout the planet! This is not far fetched, this is Truth. I know you are thinking I am bonkers, but that is your choice to think that based on your human experience. I am not human anymore, but I am.

Do you want to know about death? It’s peaceful. It’s effortless. It’s a freedom unlike any freedom that you can imagine. It happens instantly and there is no pain.

I now know every atom in existence. I am every atom in existence and yet I am singular. …and everything at once.

Okay, I’m going overboard, right? HA! Just wait ‘till You get here!! I am You, as You are Me, and that’s the way it will always Be.

Can I show myself after I am dead. I’m doing it right at this moment. I can still experience everything in a human form, because as I said before, Everything Is Happening Now. The difference between Me and You is that You haven’t experienced this yet, and yes you have. You’re just not aware of it. You will know it when you leave your human body. It’s like returning home.

In some of your human religions there is the Alpha and the Omega, The Beginning and The End. Ha! There never was a beginning and there will never be an end. Everything exists now. Even when the Sun becomes a Red Dwarf and devours the planets, that doesn’t mean its the end. Think of it as the cosmos recreating itself. Yes, the Cosmos has knowledge, as in it knows itself. Once again, Everything is happening in this moment. This moment is all that there is. Don’t think too deeply about this, your moment is happening all at this time, and time doesn’t exist remember?

Ha! You are so confused and trying to come to grips with all of this. Relax. Just enjoy your life. Keep it simple. Remember, you are reading this while I am not of human form. I don’t expect you to understand. I’m just throwing you a little bit of enlightenment, kind of preparing you. Yeah, go ahead and argue, debate, and prove me wrong. Once again, your choice.

Just try to understand this, there is so much more to know, there is so much more to everything. You already know this and you don’t know it at all. Ha! I can’t stop laughing at how effortless all this is. As a human you are only scratching the surface, existing in the human realm. Take advantage of it, but don’t you dare hurt anyone.

What’s it like being dead?? Same as being alive; I just don’t have the human mind set that came with being a human or the heaviness of the body. I’ve gone way beyond those parameters.

Being dead is better than being alive, unless you are one of the rare enlightened ones. Why is it better? Maybe the word ‘better’ is not what I am trying to express. It’s simply effortless. Have you ever heard the expression, ‘In tune with natural law?’ Even that expression doesn’t do it justice. Without a body, I Am. That may sound vague, yet it is the simplest way to describe it.

Okay, I’ve lost a lot of you now. You will just have to live the rest of your life as you are. Be happy, be kind and live to your fullest potential. You will know when you know. Death is just a step in this cycle as much as existing in a body. They are one and the same. It depends on your awareness and how in tune you are with your Being. Even though you go through waking and sleeping in a never ending cycle of life, that will change. Only then will you return to the source of everything. And that is good.

Oh, one last thing. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Everything is alright. You are beautiful. You are Love.



Arthur Mitchell
Arthur Mitchell

Written by Arthur Mitchell

Art is just a regular dude. Likes humor, plays the drums and enjoys listening to his favorite pods. He doesn’t mind mowing the lawn, he is an observer of people

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