I Think Too Much And The Art Of Sleeping

Arthur Mitchell
4 min readSep 14, 2022


Therefore I thunk.

I should be fast asleep, yet I am awake and it’s 47 minutes past midnight. I haven’t been sleeping very well lately and I have been waking at three in the morning a few times. Should I be concerned, or am I turning into a vampire?

Tonight, instead of fighting it, I am writing. I bought this laptop a couple of months ago for this very reason. I have the most bestest ideas just as I am falling asleep and/or in the middle of the night, so I thought ‘Hey, might as well buy a laptop so I can write when I wake up in the middle of the night!’ It’s a good thought in theory. Actually motivating myself to prop my body into a sitting position hasn’t been practical until I did so tonight.

There are moments when I see solutions to the worlds ills, but I could not muster myself to rise from sleep to write those thoughts down. Hence the laptop.

I was going to write something of significance but seem to have lost my train of thought explaining myself in those last couple paragraphs. Maybe I should have remained asleep. What am I accomplishing here besides the satisfaction of typing? The keyboard on this laptop feels good to me when I am writing. It feels like quality, if quality could feel like something. None the less, tippity tappity I love typing on this keyboard. It has a back light too. Cool.

But getting back to waking up in the middle of the night and writing my spectacular thoughts that I have when I am sleeping, or about to sleep. I can’t think of any at the moment, but rest assured — I had a doozy of a thought some thirty minutes ago. Should I have written 30 or thirty. There is a grammatical rule for that, but I am too lazy to look it up.

Okay, here’s the part when I am starting to fall asleep again, but I trudge onward in hope of capturing a miraculous thought that may inspire others in this old world. I also have an itch behind my leg but am too tired to scratch it and will just suffer with it until it goes away. But seriously, I am starting to fall asleep again. I actually did fall asleep in this position the other night and woke up a 3 in the morning in this sitting position with my hands on the keyboard. How weird is that??

I usually get my rest after waking up in the middle of the night and falling back to sleep. It’s kinda like waking up earlier than usual and finding that you can sleep a little longer before you actually have to wake up. Another thought, I think phrase “in the” should become one word, “inthe.” I think it would save time when writing.

Okay, I am now entering the delirious state of mind between waking and sleeping while writing. It’s kinda trippy. There are long pauses and I find myself staring at this keyboard with it’s back-light, which I can adjust the brightness, which makes it cooler. I should drink coffee to keep myself awake, but I have never drank coffee in my entire life. I think I am the last human on earth who hasn’t done so.

Alright, I really have to get back to sleep. I can feel it pulling me down and besides, I am having trouble keeping my eyes open. I can type with my eyes closed but it usually looks like this sample: “This is a sample of me writign with my eyeys cloassed.” Not too bad eh?

Next Night

Okay, I’m in bed at 830pm. I fell asleep after writing the paragraph above. I think I will sleep well tonight. I think the cause of my waking is a mixture of things, one being that I have been getting to bed earlier every night and this is the latest that I have retired to bed. I also think the full moon a few nights ago has affected me as it shines through my windows around 3am lately. Why don’t I close my curtains, you ask? Because I don’t have curtains, I have blinds that roll up and down. I only put them down in the summer to reduce the heat as the Sun sets in the west. I like sleeping with my windows unhindered so I can look out at the night sky. I will soon publish a story about looking out of my windows at night.

So that’s my story. Will I prop myself up in bed and write again if I wake up in the middle of the night? I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. G’night! Sleep tight! Don’t let the bed bugs bite! Or get probed during an alien abduction. Watch your step if your prone to sleep walking. Dream some beautiful dreams. Nighty night.



Arthur Mitchell
Arthur Mitchell

Written by Arthur Mitchell

Art is just a regular dude. Likes humor, plays the drums and enjoys listening to his favorite pods. He doesn’t mind mowing the lawn, he is an observer of people

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