I Need Mental Stimulation
I need someone or something to jump start my mind. I seek knowledge. I need mental stimulation! I’m parched and am so thirsty to expand my mind. Not only am I thirsty for it, I hunger for it. If I could, I would go back to university to study math, physics and astronomy. Unfortunately, I lack time and funding for this need. If only I were rich and didn’t have the burden of trying to make money to live. Um, …. are there any philanthropic people who could kindly help me with financial support, with no strings attached?
I’m not begging, I’m just asking, and will make sure to pass the gesture forward. I’m not greedy.
Boats That Sail Over The Horizon
You see, I missed my calling in life to study physics. It’s just that I’m a late bloomer and only discovered my passion for physics in my thirties, and before I knew it I was in the reality lane of life with marriage and having children. Now that I’m in my early sixties and looking back on my life, I realize that I missed my calling. That boat has sailed. If I could do my life over, I wouldn’t miss that boat.
I’ve always had an interest in science, but I didn’t discover physics until my mid thirties. That is when I took a deep dive into the subject of astronomy and bought the book titled “Pale Blue Dot” by Carl Sagan. That book piqued my interest and started the ball rolling. I understand many of the theories and laws in physics now, but the math is way over my head. If I just had the time to learn it and indulge in it, I would be living my dream.
Now I feel that my life is redundant and I have become obsolete. I’m in survival mode to just make money to pay for living expenses. It feels like I’m just going through the motions to make a living. Inside I’m screaming for a chance to change my life, and live doing something that would make my life really worth living for. I may be getting old, but I’m no old horse, nay! I know that my mind is still elastic enough to learn new subjects.
May The Nerd Arise Within
I yearn for that kind of mental stimulation. I yearn for learning and discovering anything that will make me think about life. I often think how physics is so important in our lives, even though most of society does not have a clue to how it affects us and how we use it in our daily existence. I find myself looking for the Golden Ratio when I’m out and about town. Yeah.., I know.., I’m a nerd.
I really don’t want my life to pass before me without learning about what I am passionate for. I immerse myself in books, videos and podcasts regarding physics. I’ve even seen Michiu Kaku and Neil deGrasse Tyson lecture when they’ve visited Brisbane. I really want to see a Brian Greene lecture if he ever comes here. How I would love to spend a day with him and ask him questions on String Theory. (pointing to myself and mouthing the word ‘Nerd.’)
If only I could win the lottery, then I would enroll into a basic physics course to start off with. I would totally immerse myself in the process of learning. That would stimulate my mind beyond anything! In the meantime I will keep indulging my passion for physics through every avenue available to me in order to have some semblance of the mental stimulation that I crave. Even though I won’t have a Degree to show for my enthusiasm, or have a career being a Theoretical Physicist, the ongoing knowledge that I am gaining is still priceless to me.
I Think
Mental stimulation is important for everyone, according to me. I think that the world would gain a lot, especially on the humanitarian aspect, if we all used our brains to evolve ourselves. I think that we could all use a little boost in our cognitive thinking processes. I think it would end a lot of wars and political fiascos, because we would all be using our brains at a higher level. We could end a lot of the wrong in the world today. I think that people with cognitive thinking processes are more empathetic toward others.
If you are young and reading this, follow what inspires you. You will most probably live a happy life doing what piques your interest, or not! At the very least, give it a go. Follow it through. Do it for me. Do it for yourself. Do not let the world interrupt were you want to go. Run with it!
My only option now is to search out like minded people, or join a group of enthusiasts in the subjects that interest me to engage in conversation. Wish me luck!