How To Create A Personal Renaissance
I’m reinventing myself. I’m tired of the old me. Have you ever felt the need to unleash yourself from the daily grind? Doing the same old -same old? Me too! Here are a few thoughts on how to get started:
Change Your Appearance
You might consider getting a new hair style. If you are losing your hair that could be a problem. It’s either shave your head and polish it or grow what little you have left and go for the comb over look. I’m lucky in that I still have plenty hair left and I’m currently going for the old silver fox look; A little long on top to add some flare or grease it back by adding product. I tried growing it out last year, going for the Big Lebowski look. I actually had it when I was in my late thirties and two security guards at Kent State University asked me if I was Jeff Bridges. True story. I never thought about it at the time. I was aiming to look more like Kurt Cobain, or more of a bohemian look.
I have switched to a darker modern frame for my glasses. I guess I’m trying to upscale and fit in with the hip boomers in my age bracket. I just have to shed a few more pounds, lift weights, get some Botox injections and not loose my sanity while doing it. I prefer the ‘I just got out of bed look’ and throw on an old T-shirt and baseball cap because it’s much easier for me. But no, “I must dress to impress” all the high fashion magazines tell me. ( I don’t read them anymore )
I didn’t go for the circa:2000 lumberjack look like most men around have. Firstly, I couldn’t cut down a tree to save my life, secondly I’m not above six feet tall and I don’t like to wear Carthart construction boots for style in the summer time. Where I live it’s always summer time and I prefer my New Balance running shoes. I have thought about wearing a Kilt at one time, just for the cooling breezes.
I’ve never been one to use a lot of hair products. On occasions, yes I have rubbed the putty into my hair and sculpted the “do”, but I am not a fan of it. I like the feel of my hair without the sticky gunky feel. Natural is the way for me or a baseball cap, and the only time I wear such a garment backwards is if I am using my camera, not as a fashion statement but to take a photograph.
Change Your Attitude
Positive thoughts go a long way, especially in the confidence building area. I mean, if you are going to change how you look you have to change the attitude to fit the clothing. Am I right or Am I Right? Of course I’m right. I back up my clothing style with my attitude. If those two don’t compliment each other, people won’t understand if I am coming or going.
Some people have a loud and brash attitude, take for example the Alpha Male. Now we all know that in the animal world there really is no “alpha male.” There is a lead male and he looks after the others and there is a respect among the other animals for his role in the group. I learned this watching David Attenborough and Adam Ruins Everything.
My attitude is as a patient dude. I’m just hanging out enjoying the vibe. As the Dude says in the Big Lebowski ‘The Dude Abides.’ Yeah, that’s me to a T. I’m keeping this part of me in my renaissance. Being the middle child, it’s the way to go when other parties on both sides want the fanfare. Alright, cool, I’ll just grab another Coke and watch the drama and take care of the people who need to be taken care of.
Pretend To Be Someone You’re Not
This is a good topic. I love being who I am not. If ever I am in a crowded room or restaurant, I’ll say to my best friend in a louder than normal voice, ‘It’s sooo nice to not be recognized. No one has bothered me for my autograph yet.’ My friend will pick up on the cue and ask me about the movie I am currently in, or when my next book will be coming out. That’s when I start name dropping and people who are eaves dropping on me become interested and start making eye contact toward me.
In high school I used to put on a British accent when I went to the mall. It was a carry over from my improvisation classes and watching Monty Pythons Flying Circus on television. It was fun and sometimes I would be called out on the falseness of my accent.
Or better yet, dress up and play a haughty person with a Harvard accent to make people think you are well to do. Never use eye contact when performing this kind of role. Remember, your status in the common world is higher than thou.
Get A New Wardrobe.
Yep, it’s going to cost you to reinvent yourself. It’s up to you how much you will invest in this process. The world is your oyster. I say go big, but not over the top. You will have to not only pull this off, you will have to make it believable. Remember these famous words, ‘She is knock your socks off gorgeous, …until she opens her mouth.’
Wardrobe is crucial. I am still putting my last hurrah look together this late in life before I fade away. It’s definitely not to pick up chicks, those days are over. I just want a look that says, ‘Yeah, I’m still cool and relevant.’ I have this green rock-a-billy shirt I wear with nice stitching of birds on the lapels and beautiful white buttons. I wear jeans rolled up at the ends and some thick dark boots. It’s nice when strangers compliment my attire. Yes I do show off a bit when I am wearing it and that’s half the fun.
That outfit is only for special occasions. I need to find something nice when I’m just about the town. I don’t buy clothes often and I still have clothing from over a dozen years ago that I still wear. I figure I won’t throw it away until it literally disintegrates and falls off my body. Most of my clothing I use when mowing the lawn or doing things around the house. They are comfortable, I can allow for them to get damaged and they cover my belly really well.
If you are going to change your wardrobe for your “new you” look. I suggest trying to be different so that you stand out in the crowd, or going for that classy “I’m an older gentleman but can still hold my own” look. I think it will please the ladies if that is what you are looking for.
Have A Catch Phrase.
I cannot emphasize the importance of this. This is so, so crucial and people will start talking about you. Hopefully in a good way. Do not use an already popular catch phrase, such as “How You Doin?” I have thought of many catch phrases, some original, some old and some blase. Here are several examples:
Capisce (Kapiech/Capische) Italian origin. When speaking it, there is a slight raising of the head, like a slight nod. This portrays that you are in the know.
Back Attcha. I would only use this in a loud room where the hearing is difficult, but you want to let the person you are conversing with know that you are listening even though you haven’t heard a damn thing they said. Use with a head nod, point toward them and give a wink. Walk away quickly.
Ye Gads!! This will help in those situations when you are approached by a person(s) you would rather not bother you. Always have a mad look in your eyes and sound like a pirate. A little stringy white saliva build up at the corners of your lips will add that special effect to complete the phrase.
Oh Fartz! When you receive bad news or an accident happens. It has a humorous element and people near you won’t expect you to say this. But it will catch on and your friends will start using this phrase.
I know that they aren’t that original and I make no apologies.
Finally I present to you, dear reader, a picture that I am aiming toward in my “Renaissance”. Capisce?!