How My Mind Thinks And Where It Goes…

Arthur Mitchell
5 min readMay 3, 2022


I may truly answer this at the very end….

I haven’t written in a while.

I’ve been busy.

All good, nothing to worry or be concerned about. A few things have been taken place in my life. I took time away to be with my thoughts, which I like to do from time to time. It keeps me in check with myself.

As my usual self does during these times, I crack myself up mostly because I love humor so much. I think of circumstances I am in and try to see the humor in it, even if I ever go the route of depression, which I haven’t seen any signs of in years. It is a good feeling. One of my first articles was about depression. I went solo to fight it and came out the other end better than if I would have seen a stranger to talk about it. I knew I wasn’t as deeply entrenched as others are, and I was determined, in my own mind, to overcome it.

How I Found My Happiness As An Alien On Your Planet

I am very happy now. Some people say I am stronger for it, but what does that really mean?? I am not stronger, I am wiser. I like puzzles and I treated my depression as a puzzle to figure out. I questioned a lot of it, my circumstances and what brought me to that part of my life. I honestly have to say that humor and certain music saved me from myself.

I look at the world differently now.

All of the above paragraphs I did not mean to write. But I let my mind speak and flow as an open faucet without hindrance. What I meant to write about is how I am an Alien on this planet. I have been here quite a while observing you humans. You really are a sad lot, and are actually a virus to all life on this beautiful planet. Get a hold of yourselves before you come to rack and ruin. Seriously.

Oh’ you think, ‘that was quite a delicious tangent you took there.’ And now you are concerned about my health and state of mind, aren’t you? It’s alright, I get this all the time.

We all age. We will all pass from this planet. Most likely our name will be forgotten within a generation. And yet, the life we are living is the life we have chosen. Why? Why have we chosen this life when we can create, everyday, a life that most people would change in an instant, if they could, in order to be happy and comfortable?

Wow, Art. Where are you taking this article?? Like, are you even organized in your thinking??

How My Works Part II

This is how my mind works, some of the time. Usually when I sit at my computer to write. Once again, this is a free flow of thought and I just might publish this without editing a thing. I am actually inviting you into my thought processes, which most people keep guarded for the sake of being found out for who they really are. This is Me. Maybe.

I guess the point I want to get across to anyone who cares to have read this far, is that I am okay with who I am. I don’t care (well I kinda do, but…) what other people think of me. Because I once did and that didn’t work out to well for me. I like who I am now more than ever.

I have tried to never settle for the status quo. Whether it be music, literature, fashion or whatever. I am always looking beyond that which is apparent in today’s culture. I can’t stand a lot of today’s television shows, music, and populist. I don’t look up to or admire movie stars, athletes or people of that ilk. I’d rather hang out with people who will offer me fantastic conversation, and ideas. People I can laugh with and be challenged by.

Art, you’re all over the place in this article. Are you feeling alright?’ Yeah, I’m fine. I will tie everything together in the end. Or not. It’s a beautiful day outside and I should be riding my bike or doing photography. But I am in the mood to write and keep in touch with you, because of the “big green hairy monster under my bed.”

In actual fact, I am loving my free writing without editing a single thing but a misspelling. Remember, this is how my mind works. I often wonder what triggers my thoughts? Where do they come from? Why do I see the world differently from others?? The easy answer is that I am not of this world. I am truly an Alien, forgotten by my people and hoping that someday they will return for me. Of course I’m jesting…., maybe.

I sometimes feel my thoughts are like a Jack Kerouac prose. They just keep going on in a train of thought.

Two Days Later…

Where was I?? Oh yes, Jack Kerouac. He wrote some fantastic books and it seemed like his era was the last era of discovery. I would have loved traveling across country in a rail car. It did seem as if life were simpler then. But it wasn’t. Now in these times, there is a group of people trying to take us back in time to the 1950’s. There is even a world leader (not really a leader, more like a fucking moron) invading a country because the world had changed and he doesn’t seem to like it.

These are trying times and there are people stunting the progress of society for their own greedy needs. Scare the people, throw a little fear of god into them and take ownership of what a woman can and can’t do with her body seems to be their theme. They want power and to rule over everyone for some goddamn reason. In this day and age we should be well past this kind of thinking. If they really want a war, they are not going to win. I think there is a generation growing up, seeing and hearing everything, and will take matters into their own hands and do the right thing.

Boy, I just unloaded a lot there. But this is how my mind works. It is not stagnant be any means.

Are You Conscious Of Your Thoughts?

Have you ever tracked your thinking patterns? I am sure your thoughts are as tangential as mine are. Where do these thoughts come from?? What are the influences that make us think our thoughts? Are we all of a monkey mind and does our thinking settle down when we are focused on what we are immediately doing? I think even then we are thinking other thoughts and in layers. One on top of the other.

When we sleep, do we not dream? And when we do not dream, where do our thoughts go, what are they doing. Are we even aware when we seem to not be dreaming in our deepest sleep?

I guess, this is what I want to know about my mind. I know I think in a tangential manner when I am awake. How does my mind differ from when I am asleep or even in meditation. As much as I would like to know, I don’t think I ever will know. My thoughts just bubble up from a spring deep within my Being.

Maybe this is why people occupy their attention on TV, podcast, books and sport and anything else to take us away from really experiencing our thoughts. We need something to occupy the mind. Or do we? Could we even comprehend a singular thought, or nothing at all.



Arthur Mitchell
Arthur Mitchell

Written by Arthur Mitchell

Art is just a regular dude. Likes humor, plays the drums and enjoys listening to his favorite pods. He doesn’t mind mowing the lawn, he is an observer of people

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