Does Consciousness Exist After Death?
I hope that there is another chance at life after I pass from this one. As you should know by now, I am an atheist with a lower case ‘a’. I don’t believe in a heaven, nor do I believe in a hell. I don’t remember where I was before I was born and I really don’t think I will know any different when I pass from this life. But…
But I have hope, not faith, that there is more.
Where I’m Coming From
I have a love of physics. The more I learn the more insatiable my appetite for learning grows. Every minute detail opens up more trails to discover. It’s like a never ending roundabout with hordes of exits. It’s as if I am addicted. What am I saying, I am addicted. This subject is my drug and my brain gets blown away many times over. I just cannot get enough.
From the Big to the Subatomic, I am enthralled. I consume until I am bewildered and exhausted. Then I sleep to recover from all the knowledge letting it sink in. I would label me a novice and would have loved to study this subject at university, but this has become a late discovery in my life. Plus, I don’t think I could manage the math that it involves, as I don’t think my brain has that kind of capacity to understand it. I love math, but algebra and geometry is as far as I have ever taken it.
Some of my favorite authors are Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Brian Green and Lawrence Krauss. There are more, but these are my top producers of theoretical physics and astronomy. Each of them have enlightened me with their books, interviews and presentations on social media. I have seen Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Michio Kaku at speaking engagements here in Brisbane. Neil is coming back this year and I will be purchasing tickets.
Each of them are quite exquisite in their approach to writing and speaking. Their knowledge enriches me. Also a shout out to the fabulous mathematician Richard Feynman, his quotes are so very inspirational.
Back On Topic
So, I know that one day I will cease to exist and I’m okay with that. I feel for those who go on after I die. I wouldn’t ever want to hurt them. But I have come to terms that death is a part of life.
I’ve read about consciousness. I have been in discussions about it as well. I have an inkling of knowledge of what it is, but there is still a lot of loose ends that I need for some kind of closure. It has many different explanations, which I think are not complete. I think there is more to it. In my research it is explained like this:
- Consciousness, at its simplest, is sentience and awareness of internal and external existence.
- A person’s awareness or perception of something.
- Consciousness is your individual awareness of your unique thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations, and environments. Essentially, your consciousness is your awareness of yourself and the world around you.
So yeah, I understand those explanations and have experienced them. But, I think there is more to understanding it. I think that consciousness is pervading everything in the cosmos. I think humans are connected through it, whether we notice it or not. I also think it is life supporting and life giving. At the most essential and smallest part of everything that is in existence is consciousness. To me, and what I have learned, it is the source of all. It’s a field of all possibilities that rises into our being and in our sentience. It is all of us and everything. Permanently connected.
I know you probably think I am off my rocker and am wrong in so many ways, but remember that you are reflecting from your own beliefs and experiences. I can only speak from mine, and that is why I truly want to know what happens to me after my death. I am hanging on still being part of consciousness. In physics there is the Law Of Conservation Of Mass. Matter is energy and cannot be created nor destroyed. It can change into another form. That is what I am counting on.
Ego? What Ego??!
Now then, let us talk about the human ego. I think this is a persons way of identifying a sense of self esteem and self importance. At least that is the common explanation. I think it arises from consciousness and is filtered through the human physiology, and it is another expression of consciousness in the relative. It is a way of knowing ourselves. It is a way of consciousness knowing itself, like it is playing through the human physiology to know its Self.
Sounds weird huh? Remember, I am writing through my experience and learning. I could be totally off base in everything I have written, and I am always open to others opinions as long as it is supported. Which leads me to this, ‘Will I still be aware of Me through Consciousness after my body dies?’ I ponder this question because, if matter cannot be destroyed according to physics, and can change form, as in water to ice to gas, then surely my Being can change through Consciousness into anything I choose.
Pretty deep huh? This is why I hope it does and that I can. I mean, I love life through all its hardships and its glorious highs. I have gone to the depths of depression and fought to overcome it. I have ridden on the waves of wonderfulness and through it all, I have come to realize that life is like an ocean with its currents and waves. Always oscillating. The thing about this is that I am aware of it. I am conscious of it. That is why I have walked away from suicide at a time in my life. For my awareness, I am thankful.
I will not know until I know, if I am ever able to know. I am okay with that. Until then I choose to enjoy life and whatever it throws at me. It’s not a challenge, it is just Me trusting my awareness.
Other Thoughts And Enlightenment
I was once told that if I ever reach Enlightenment, I will continue doing all the things that I continue to do in my life. Only I will be Enlightened.
Other questions come to mind. Will I be able to relive this current life? Will I be able to learn from my mistakes and make corrections in my next life, if at all possible? This is where I am a bit lost, because I cannot recall any past life’s if there were any. In Ayurveda this is known as a term called ‘pragya-pravad’ — ‘the mistake of the intellect’. So if I have lived past lives I cannot ever know through my human physiology. Unless I become enlightened. Sometimes I think I am close to it, but then I have a long way to go.
Through everything, my curiosity is hungry to know. If I ever did come to know, would it change my life? Good question. I don’t know. I mean if I could know and prevent past mistakes I think that would be a good thing and one step closer to Enlightenment. Admittedly, I have had some thoughts and dreams that have popped into existence in my mind that were foretelling. I tried to explain one of those and it ended in utter failure. That is why I am so keen on my awareness.
Sometimes I just want to live a normal life, but what is normal? I think that is a misconception, because of my observing other peoples lives and wishing that I could have lived theirs. I have learned to only focus on my life now and grow my awareness. Besides, I am only seeing a slice of theirs and not the ugly undergrowth. I am better for it now.
I would suggest a video by Dr. Brian Greene about ‘Time.’ I found it intriguing and fascinating. He explains time using Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. If you don’t understand some parts that’s okay. I rewound many times just to hear if I had listened and understood it the first time. I’ve also had to reread some topics in his books to get an inkling of an understanding. Just so you know, he does explain it in simple terms. I just have had difficulty in my understanding of certain concepts, or I just wanted to hear it again because I couldn’t believe what I had heard the first time around. He’s an inspiration!
So my quest goes onward. Will I or won’t I know after I leave this earth? I truly ‘Hope’ that it turns out like I want it to. Only time will tell.